, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ponnamaravathi: October 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Let the trees grow

Don’t cut growing trees   
Let neighbours live peacefully

In Pudupatti of Ponnamaravathi, it appears that some people don’t want neighbours’ growth. They don’t want to see even trees grown by neighbours. They cut the trees, remove leaves and feed to their cattle. Shepherds feed their cattle by stealing feeds like leaves of drumstick trees, margosa trees (neem trees), and grasses without any hesitation. Their main idea is to grow by spoiling the livelihood and interest of others. A few examples of merciless cutting of growing trees are depicted here.   

Despite several requests and warnings, these types of ridiculous activities continue in India, especially PON Puduppatti of Tamilnadu. No mercy; no sympathy at all. Government takes initiatives to grow trees for the mankind. Envying neighbours and greedy thieves don’t allow the growth of plants planted by others. God is only to decide either to punish them or not. Let us live with growing trees that give us oxygen to breath.