, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ponnamaravathi: May 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Struggle to Cast Vote but Failed

Mr. M. Natarajan Achari, a legendary tinsmith of Pudupatti of Ponnamaravathi struggled to cast his vote on 16 May 2016, but failed.

M. Natarajan is an old man. He was born on 17 January 1928. He is a wounded person having operated for his fractured thy bone.  He can manage walking slowly using a walking stick. His appearance is like a question mark. His both the eyes have been operated several years ago. Now his eyesight is very poor. However he is capable of managing to live.  

On the day of polling it was raining. The polling booth was at Saavangundu area, Puduvalavu. The approach to the booth was muddy, slippery, uneven terrain with steep down damaged footsteps. He approached the booth with great difficulties with the help of his son. On reaching close to the booth building, he found stools for sitting but they were wet due to rain. Wheelchair was kept at that place, without any use. Several old people struggled to cross the way to the booth. There was no help of wheelchair as it could not be used in the wet slippery mud while it was continuously raining or drizzling.

Booth slips were being distributed there. That was a clear violation according to Election Commissioner. The undistributed booth slips were supposed to be returned to the election commission well before the commencement of polling.

M. Natarajan was in possession of his voter’s id card. There was no ‘booth slip’ on his name. His name was not there in the electoral roll. He sent three text messages (SMS) to know his polling booth and his status to 1950.  He received two replies as, “Message Received”. No useful information. He approached the Chief Polling Officer but no use.

He could not cast his vote. He was disappointed very much.

While returning, he struggled very much to come out of the booth because he had to climb with his maximum efforts and with the help of his son to reach the road at the entrance/exit.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Check Your Voter's List

No one knows where, when and how you will be voting, when you vote, your name should be correct in the voter's list.
All People to check if their names are there on the voters list.